South African Born Singer/Songwriter, Storm, Launches New Single


South African Born Singer/Songwriter, Storm, Launches New Single, “Ghost”, in conjunction
with the Chipembere Rhino Foundation to raise awareness on Rhino Poaching.

Storm is a dual nationality singer-songwriter. She was born in South Africa
(her other nationality being German) and hopped all around the globe living in places, such as
China and Hungary to name a few. Music has always been a passion of hers; Storm started
recording, songwriting, and launching her career once she moved to the U.S.
“Ghost”, her latest single, is a melodic acoustic song echoing orchestral rock influences as well
as pulling an acoustic folk sound from bands such as Freshlyground. The haunting, heavy sound
blended with an acoustic vibe help build the song to a chilling climax. The imagery and story are
inspired by the brutal poaching of the iconic Rhino species. The song describes a poaching
scenario where Storm sings of what it is like to find a butchered Rhino and the people who are
fighting on the front lines to save the Rhino species. With this single, she hopes to shed light on
Africa’s vanishing unicorn giant, specifically with regards to illegal poaching.

“Ghost” will be available on all platforms November 15th.
For more information and to keep up to date please visit:

Other releases:

Gypsy, her latest single, is a Retro Country Rock song pulling from
many Blues and Country Rock influences. The repetitive driving
groove is inspired by songs such as “Highway Tune” by Greta Van
Fleet and “Take Me Down” by The Pretty Reckless. The song tells
the story of a carefree nomadic spirit who can never settle down in
once place.

With this single, she hopes to shed light on
addiction, specifically the addiction of self-harm
because she has gone through that same struggle
herself. Storm wants everyone to know that if you
are having thoughts of suicide and self-harm,
please don’t be afraid to reach out to someone for

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